The Rhino RDK is a collection of tools that extend the Rhino application platform with visualization specific capabilities.
-Extensible Material, Environment and Texture editor.
-Frame buffer implementation with post and channel handling.
-Pre-process custom mesh provision interface for 3rd party developers.
-Built in procedural textures, including wood, marble, granite, noise generators, perturbers and so on.
-Built in HDR and OpenEXR support.
-Improved render pipeline that makes it much easier for developers to implement a renderer engine in Rhino.
-Rhino sun light and sun-angle calculation tools.
-Automatic shader UI support for 3rd party Material/Environment/Texture providers.
-Several utility classes to aid in the development of renderers and visualization related tools.
-Decal support similar to Flamingo 2.0.
-360 degree environment preview in the viewport.